October 18, 2020


teflchina.ORG is the airspace of the TEFLChina email list worker bee, Roger.

Buzz up.. swoop down.. tell everyone the email list is at Google Groups now 🐝..

So come on over if teaching English as a foreign language in China is your thing.

The teflchina email list is a group of people who have taught English in China, or are now teaching English in China, or might soon! We share secret information that only we know. Can that bee? Come see! Friendly messages only please. We are here to help each other. Newly moved to Google Groups.

To join us at Google Groups simply send a blank email from the email address you would like to receive our discussion emails at to our subscribe address: teflchina+subscribe@googlegroups.com AND then reply to the confirmation email you will get in a moment. A blank reply email will do, just send it! You will get a welcome message if that worked right. If you don't, try it gain and be sure to reply to the confirmation email. And that's it!

To unsubscribe, leave Google Groups, simply send a blank email from the email address you want unsubscribed to our unsubscribe address: teflchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com

Help: You may email list owner Karen Stanley: karenstanleyma (at) yahoo.com (yes Yahoo) for assistance. She can set your membership to no-mail or digest if you request sweetly.

More at the Teflpedia wiki page all about honey: Teflpedia.com/TEFLChina_email_list

Rogerchrisman at gmail.com